Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dr.siti Aeishah++??

DOCTOR?? All my life i really wanted to be a great doctor.i just realize this since i was in primary school i really like science subject.After that,when i was in secondary school,i found i really like biology subject.Besides that, i know in my beloved country there is a shortage of doctor.Therefore this situation has inspired me to be a great doctor.I know this career is not an easy job,however,this career has motivated me to always workhard to be a succesful person.I want to help people.I want to treat my patients and recover them from their diseases. I want be a doctor not just treat them physically but mostly their spiritual aspect. I know i have to be a good listener if i want to be a doctor. I have to understand them and try to get into their world.I wish to entertain them. I want be a doctor that always remind them,advise them and support them. i hope i can be a religious an successful doctor. Insya-Allah. I believe anything that happens just in god permission.i will accept it because i know what is the best for me. Pray for my success!! (",) if i get chance,i want to specialise in obstretics & gynaecology or paediatrics.

Itu apa yang selalu ak idamkan sejak dari kecil dan cita2 ini yang selalu memberi ak semangat untuk berjaya.apa yang ak ingin beritahu bahawa matlamat adalah sangat penting untk diterapkan dalam diri setiap individu.Ini adalah semangat untuk berjaya tidak kira apa sekalipun impian setiap individu tersebut.ak berharap setiap individu menanamkan impian mereka sejak dari kecil.walau apa sekalipun kita hanya berharap dan berdoa,tetapi semuanya atas kehendak-Nya.. kita mampu berdoa apa yang terbaik buat kita..motivate ourself everyday...biarpun ak bukanlah seorang individu yang terlalu cemerlang,tetapi ak tau ape yg telah ak lakukan seikhlas hati untuk buat apa yang terbaik untk diriku. semoga anda sekalian sentiasa diredhai ALLAH dan berjaya dunia dan akhirat.Insya-Allah.(",)


  1. Salam aeishah...whoa ader blog da eh....
    makaseh follow...
    follow u back...
    lets put da chatbox....on ur widget at rite side of ur blog...
    heh...all da bez, dr aeishah...
    may Allah give u da best ...
    pray 4 me to...
